Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Miss Brooke at 2 months

Our little girl is now a little over 2 months old. She is smiling and is talking. She weighs 9 lbs 9 oz. (I can't get a good picture of her smiling I miss it every time I took a picture) She loves to talk to Mommy in the mornings and while she gets her diaper changed. We play a lot of animal sounds and talk about our day and the Thanksgiving Holiday that is coming up. We are excited to have her meet more family. She just started to suck on her hands and sometimes she will talk during and occassionly she will find her thumb. She is just so Cute!


At Home with the Hammonds said...

She is so cute - I can't wait to hug and kiss her very soon!

Buggs said...

She is changing so much. I know she is going to enjoy her trip north to see all your family. Sorry I will miss seeing you both till December. Great Grandma loved having her visit yesterday. Give her a hug and kiss from Grandma and Grandpa.