Wednesday, June 13, 2007

New Arrival !

Please welcome the arrival of Dos. June 12th between 5:00-6:30pm he finally arrived!!
We were expecting him to arrive on his due date June 10th but nope ...not quite yet he wasn't ready. Darin kept a close eye on Momma making sure she was ok and to see how close she is getting but with all the chores going on too we missed this exciting time of his arrival. His momma did all the work and we are very proud of her. Darin found him at this spot in our pasture all cleaned up and walking! We are sorry we missed it all. It was a very different experience from when we had Uno.

He is a soft little fella!! We are very happy with his markings.

Up close his has very long and beautiful eyelashes.


Lucia said...

He is very pretty! Please don't eat him immediately.

Rob said...

How awesome. Nothing like mother nature, requiring no assistance.

What a great looking calf and pictures are awesome. Congratulations Krista and Darin!