Saturday, September 29, 2007

Quatro has Arrived!!

Yes, SHE has arrived all by herself. Her Momma is the one behind her and did a fine job of delivering. Whew! We are so so Glad!!!
She was born on 9/28 sometime between 5:00pm -6:30pm because I discovered her at 6:50pm.
She is tiny compared to Tres who was born 5 days earlier.
Well, sadly but thankfully this concludes our newborns of 2007. We will be expecting our first Uno 08 in March 2008. It has been a successful year of all our new arrivals. Hopefully next year we will have the same success.


Lucia said...

I love the ears!

Buggs said...

Glad she is here and with no help is even better. She is little Krista? I love her ears, she has more white than the others. See you soon.

Tony said...

You guys must be proud parents! The pictures of your newborns are great!