Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tulips....Spring is here!

Here are my Tulips that are just beautiful at this time of the year. I thought I would just share. Enjoy.

Monday, April 27, 2009


Here she is in summer outfits Oma got her. The purple dress she got when she was born and the pink outfit she got when Oma was here earlier this month. We are soo ready for warm weather!! She loves being outside. The warmer the better. She isn't a fan of the wind but who is?
She has figured out how to Clap. She does not want to learn to crawl yet. She would rather have me put my hands out and she holds them and walks. Once that takes place then I am in for it.
It is taking forever for her front tooth to come in and at the same time fighting a little cold.
She loves Gerber Sweet Potatoes finger food. She'll eat that rather than the food I make her UNLESS she is super hungery.
She is also getting more verbal. BABABAABAA and almost doing the Elvis lips moving her mouth around. She has also discovered her hands. Looking at them open/close while she drinks a bottle. It is cute. I hope all is well with everyone and we look forward to coming up north this summer. Dates pending but in the works ;>)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Easter Egg Hunt 2009

Brooke with her 1st Egg

Here are the Kids that we had over to hunt for the eggs. Left to Right: Archie with his Grandma, Gus, Matthew, Sean with their Dad, Mike and sister Jane. Dave with his boys Brad, Luke and Alex. Brooke and I and then Lilly with her Dad, John.
Next year we hope to have Molly, Natalie and Austin to join us.

Happy Easter Everyone!!